General Conference Study Packet | Free Download

General Conference Study Packet FREE Download! 60 pages of General Conference study aids!

As fun as egg hunts and mysterious bunnies are, the highlight of my early Spring holiday celebration is General Conference—which happens to fall on Easter weekend, so it's the best of both worlds!


Every six months I try to see what I can do to get the most out of General Conference. This year I'm really trying to get a head start on the spiritual preparation by studying previous talks and pondering questions I've had in the months since.


Doing so has gotten me SO excited that I wanted to create and share this study packet. In years past I've done things similarly, writing out questions beforehand, and evaluating the inspiration I receive between sessions. Hopefully my system proves to be helpful to other young women!


General Conference time is an excellent time to think about Personal Progress and set goals again! To help you get in a Personal Progress mindset, there's Personal Progress BINGO, or better yet you could create a whole General Conference Value Project!


To download the General Conference Study Packet PDF, click here.


General Conference Study Packet FREE Download! 60 pages of General Conference study aids!General Conference Study Packet FREE Download! 60 pages of General Conference study aids!General Conference Study Packet FREE Download! 60 pages of General Conference study aids!General Conference Study Packet FREE Download! 60 pages of General Conference study aids!